
Why don’t I see X-Spam-Status headers ?

By default, amavisd adds the X-Spam-Status header only when the score is 2.0 or higher.



and look for

$sa_tag_level_deflt  = 2.0;  # add spam info headers if at, or above that level

You want to see X-Spam-Status headers on all mail, even non-spam – so make it a negative number.

$sa_tag_level_deflt  = -999.0;  # add spam info headers if at, or above that level

Stop amavisd (it will be automatically re-started)

sudo launchctl stop org.amavis.amavisd

MCrypt Installer for OS X Server


  • OS X 10.11.x El Capitan with Server app 5.x (SIP compatible)
  • OS X 10.10.x Yosemite with Server app 4.x or 5.x
  • OS X 10.9.x Mavericks with Server app 3.x
  • OS X 10.8.x Mountain Lion with Server app 2.x

Note: If MCrypt is already installed and loadable by PHP, the installer will exit without making changes.

For both, OS X 10.10 and 10.11 with OS X Server 5

The PHP module installed here:


We add/edit the mcrypt module location in /etc/php.ini


For OS X 10.8, 10.9 and 10.10 with OS X Server 2-4

PHP modules are installed here:


Your system will use the correct version

We enable the mcrypt module location in /etc/php.ini

What is installed and how do I remove files installed by this package.

Please see the Installer FAQ.

The topicdesk Mcrypt installer is a free download.


Download Mcrypt installer for OS X Server
Get help with Mcrypt


How to enable/disable greylisting on OS X 10.10 Yosemite and OS X 10.11 El Capitan With Server 5?

Click here to learn more about greylisting.

To disable greylisting:

sudo serveradmin settings mail:postfix:greylist_enabled = no

sudo /Applications/ reload

To enable greylisting:

sudo serveradmin settings mail:postfix:greylist_enabled = yes

sudo /Applications/ reload

How Can I Copy (Bcc) All Incoming and Outgoing Email to an Email Address on OS X Server 5?

In previous OS X Server versions there was a GUI setting which allowed you to “Copy all mail to…” an email address of your choice. It does not exist anymore, but you can still set this parameter by using the command line:

sudo serveradmin settings mail:imap:postmaster_address = "[email protected]"

sudo serveradmin settings mail:postfix:always_bcc_enabled = yes 

Make sure you change [email protected] to the actual email address you’d like to bcc.

If for some reason the always_bcc_enabled setting does not change, it means that most likely serveradmin got stuck and you need to do some manual editing of:


and change the line that starts with:

always_bcc =


always_bcc = [email protected]

After that, try the serveradmin commands again.

Besides above commands, there are many more parameters that can be set via the command line. For an overview, issue:

sudo serveradmin settings mail

Be careful when unsure about changing a parameter and always make sure you have a working backup.

Roundcube for OS X Server – Installed Files and UnInstall Instructions


Installed Files

sqlite and the httpd.conf are installed in:


the webapp.plist is here:


Easy UnInstall

The installer provides a built-in UnInstall option which removes all roundcube files and the installer receipt.
Note: MCrypt files are not removed because other applications may be dependent on MCrypt.

Manual Uninstall

    sudo webappctl stop com.topicdesk.roundcube
    sudo rm -rf /usr/local/topicdesk/roundcube
    sudo rm /Library/Server/Web/Config/apache2/webapps/com.topidesk.roundcube.webapp.plist
    sudo pkgutil --regexp --forget com.topicdesk.*roundcube.*
    sudo /Applications/ graceful


For Server 5

We add/edit the mcrypt module location in /etc/php.ini


The following files are installed:


For Server 2 – 4

MCrypt is enabled in /etc/php.ini

The following files are installed:
