
Our free tools for Mac OS X Server Mail Services – spamtrainer and mailbfr – have been downloaded more than 100’000 times and are helping system administrators looking after Mac OS X Servers from 10.3 to 10.13.


Our free tutorials and whitepapers related to Mac OS X Server Mail and Web Services have been downloaded more than 500’000 times. The tutorials are available for a wide range of topics and for Mac OS X Server versions from 10.4 to 10.13.


While we are happy to provide free support through our Tutorials, FAQs and the occasional e-mail advice, it cannot replace personalised support. A professional can fix in a matter of hours what could take you days of trial and error.

How can I change how long undeliverable messages stay in the queue?

By default, a message that is not deliverable will stay in the Postfix queue for 5 days with the sender not being notfied at all during this time. Such a setting may have been useful in the days the internet wasn’t as reliable as it is today, but hardly makes sense anymore. To change this, […]

How can I stop and start mail services from the command line?

Simply issue: sudo serveradmin stop mail or sudo serveradmin start mail If you would like to see if mail services are running, issue: sudo serveradmin status mail or for detailed information, issue: sudo serveradmin fullstatus mail

How can I deliver mail for the root user?

By default, the root user (System Administrator) is not mail enabled and that is good. You should never enable mail reception for root directly. This is best accomplished by adding an alias which will forward mail to another user. To do so, edit /etc/postfix/aliases and change: #root: you to root: the_user_you_want_to_receive_mail_for_root save and issue: sudo […]

How can I change the maximum file upload size for PHP applications?

You will need to add/edit ” upload_max_filesize ” in /etc/php.ini OS X Server does not come with a php.ini file in place (it relies on the default values compiled into PHP). If you haven’t done so already, just create a new php.ini file and add: upload_max_filesize = 5M (or whatever size you need) When done […]

How can I change the maximum attachment size for Webmail?

This is actually not a limitaton of Webmail/SquirrelMail, but of PHP. You will need to add/edit ” upload_max_filesize ” in /etc/php.ini OS X Server does not come with a php.ini file in place (it relies on the default values compiled into PHP). If you haven’t done so already, just create a new php.ini file and […]

How can I avoid Server Admin overwriting my manual configuration additions?

You can’t. Well actually there are two things you can do to ensure damage is limited. 1. Never modify a configuration file manually while Server Admin is open. 2. Always make sure you have a backup of your configuration files before opening or modifying through Server Admin. Once you start requiring advanced configuration changes (beyond […]


Take advantage of our mail server checkup service. For a flatrate of $50 (€38) we will run a full diagnostic of your mail server, report on its status, and make recommendations for improvements. If you would like us to check your mail server or need more information, please use our contact form.