Roundcube for macOS Server

What’s new in version 1.3.6?
  • Mac OS X Server 10.8.3 w/ Server 2.x – through -> 10.13.x High Sierra w/ 5.6.x
Why we made this installer

Mac OS X Server administrators usually wear many hats (entrepreneur, designer, etc.). We choose the Mac expecting it to have a nice GUI interface and all our basic needs to be met out of the box.
Apple used to provide webmail services in earlier versions of OS X Server (10.7 and earlier). For reasons unknown, webmail was dropped in 10.8 leaving it up to administrators to roll their own solution.

An OS X Server administrator with a Unix background could jump through all the hoops in a couple of hours – but lets face it, most OS X Server administrators would be stuck facing a day or more of tutorials, articles and frustration to get webmail working on their server.

As consultants specializing in mail services for OS X Server, we found ourselves repeating the same steps over and over with each new server installation. So we decided to apply our rule of thumb: if a repeatable process takes more than 30 minutes – document, automate and share.

What does the installer do?

Our installer for Roundcube for OS X Server installs Roundcube Webmail as a simple WebApp available to any website configured inside When the WebApp is enabled (by default, its enabled for all sites), you can access webmail by adding /mail /webmail or /roundcube to your website URL.

Please browse our FAQs for answers to most questions.

See current changelog for a complete list of fixes and additions.
Please read our FAQs as well.

The topicdesk Roundcube installer is a free download.



212 replies
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  1. Emil Haslund Larsen
    Emil Haslund Larsen says:

    Hi again.

    If I send from different e-mail addresses, I get 1 reply per address, but if I send another I do not get a response. Is this how it should work?


  2. Philippe ASTIER
    Philippe ASTIER says:

    Hi there !

    First of all, thanks for bringing back roundcube to Server 4.0 !
    I have an issue when trying to send an email, I get a SMTP 454 error (relay access denied), as if roundcube was external to my server. I haven’t had a chance to look closer at the installation (I’m currently away, with no conneciton to the server).

    Has anyone seen this behavior ?

  3. Kevin Allen
    Kevin Allen says:

    Mac Mini running 10.10.1 and Server 4 with the latest topicdesk Roundcube 1.0.3 script install. I can’t seem to get Search results to return anything unless I have “Entire Message” chosen in the search filters drop down menu. Anyone else seeing this issue or is it just me? Any thoughts on where to go to begin to correct things?

  4. Kevin Allen
    Kevin Allen says:

    It’s working for us after the update, Wolfgang. I just still can’t get it to properly handle searches that are filtered by sender or from or that sort of thing.

  5. Sheldon King
    Sheldon King says:

    Hello. How can we get Roundcube to properly detect identities/alias’s (domains) associated with the account and configure them.

  6. Jeff Johnson
    Jeff Johnson says:

    @ Sheldon

    There are different methods to support domains in roundcube

    Two examples:

    1. You could use a plugin that asks the user to provide their details including reply address/domain

    2. Have the user log-in with their complete email address. if the user has never logged in before, this becomes their default reply address.
    Try it with a new user as a test.

  7. Jeff Johnson
    Jeff Johnson says:

    If anyone is having trouble with filtering, remember that this is a standard roundcube installation.

    Other filter/vacation plugins are available here:
    Plugin Repo ([url]””[/url])

    You will find the roundcube installation location and plugin directories here:


  8. Jeff Johnson
    Jeff Johnson says:

    @Philippe ASTIER

    Anyone having trouble with smtp authentication, it could be related to ipv6

    Try this:
    sudo postconf -c /Library/Server/Mail/Config/postfix/ mynetworks

    mynetworks should include “[::1]/128 [fe80::]/10”
    If you don’t see this, you will need to edit /Library/Server/Mail/Config/postfix/
    find mynetworks and add to it:
    [::1]/128 [fe80::]/10

    then issue
    sudo postfix reload

    If this resolves the issue for anyone, please post for benefit of others.

  9. Sheldon King
    Sheldon King says:

    @ Jeff Johnson – yeah that doesnt work because if they sign in with their email address they will only receive their email for that one address correct? Also I dont even think it works to authenticate that way. Yeah just tried doesnt work with email address authentication. Its set to Automatic on the server. In any case. If anyone has any solutions for pulling the correct identities?

  10. Jeff Johnson
    Jeff Johnson says:


    [quote]”yeah that doesnt work because if they sign in with their email address they will only receive their email for that one address correct? “[/quote]
    Not correct. Roundcube shows any email in the logged in user’s mailbox.
    If 1 user has 5 mail addresses, mail to all of those addresses would be loaded.

    [quote]”Yeah just tried doesnt work with email address authentication.”[/quote]
    I just tested in Mavericks.
    The fullname and shortname were both: jefftest
    In the email addresses box, I entered [email protected]
    I then logged into roundcube entering username: [email protected]
    The user’s idenity in roundcube was setup properly authentication ([email protected]) worked.
    There are some differences with each OS- your mileage may vary.
    You can also add full emails as aliases/shortnames, this has worked since the old days.

    The authentication setting in…. Automatic is never a setting I would use due to issues with DIGEST-MD5.
    Are you able to login to roundcube with an user? Can that user send mail?
    If so, then your auth settings are fine in roundcube.

  11. Sheldon King
    Sheldon King says:

    Hi Jeff,

    Yeah cant get any of that to work. I think part of the problem is the username != [email protected].

    Ive tried auth method LOGIN and AUTH both neither work. Tried automatic as auth method in the server app and custom settings as well. Cant get any of them to work.

    Also just noticed my carddav isnt working. Can you send me an email? sheldon AT


  12. sandor
    sandor says:

    wolfgang –
    i thought the most recent server app update broke roundcube too, but it didn’t – it was merely disabled in advanced settings under the website section of server app.

  13. Jason
    Jason says:

    Since 0.9.5 (and we just installed 1.0.3 today) our Filters (sieve) do not work to reply to all messages (out of office). I set the filter up to reply to all messages, fairly simple, they just don’t no out. I’ve checked the postfix logs and there’s no record of it even attempting to send it out. I’ve looked at the filters created by the web GUI in Roundcube and they are syntactically correct. Any one else run into this?

  14. Julian
    Julian says:

    I’m having this same ‘Unable to connect to server’ Filters issue with Mavericks Server 3.2.1 & 1.0.3 Roundcube
    The plugin repo page is mentioned but managesieve is included in the install anyway isn’t it?

    Can anybody advise of a step by step fix?

  15. Philippe ASTIER
    Philippe ASTIER says:

    @Jeff Johnson

    This did not work, I still can’t send mail with roundcube on 10.10.1…

  16. Jeff Johnson
    Jeff Johnson says:

    For anyone having issues sending mail from roundcube on yosemite.

    Here’s what I need:

    1. roundcube log of failed smtp
    Enable smtp logging in roundcube
    Add this these lines to the end of: /usr/local/topicdesk/roundcube/WebApp/config/
    [code type=”xml”]$config[‘log_logins’] = true;[/code]
    [code type=”xml”]$config[‘log_session’] = true;[/code]
    Make a few login attempts
    Send the relevant log entries from: /usr/local/topicdesk/roundcube/WebApp/logs/errors

    2. Your postfix config
    [code type=”xml”]sudo postconf -n -c /Library/Server/Mail/Config/postfix/[/code]

    3. Your current roundcube config
    [code type=”xml”]cat /usr/local/topicdesk/roundcube/WebApp/config/{config,defaults}.inc.php[/code]

    Send to jeff at
    topicdesk com

  17. Conrad
    Conrad says:

    It’s having SMTP authentication issues like others here. Error was along the lines of: could not add recipient… SMTP authentication failed… Relays not allowed.

    I found that the config did not include the %u and %p to authenticate the currently-logged in user for SMTP. I added those and all seems well.

    Hope that helps someone.

  18. Jeff Johnson
    Jeff Johnson says:

    SMTP Authentication shouldn’t be required for local delivery.. If it solves the issue, great – but its not necessary.

    Clean installs of 10.10 are working fine
    The issues I’ve seen have all been machines which were upgraded to Yosemite.
    The migrated config is a wildcard – I would have to see your config to provide any recommendations.
    The most common issue a missing IPV6 loopback in mynetworks

    To check postfix mynetwork setting, run this:
    [code type=”xml”]sudo postconf -c /Library/Server/Mail/Config/postfix/ mynetworks[/code]

    A migrated machine might return this
    mynetworks =
    or might include your LAN subnet
    mynetworks =,

    It needs to include this: [::1]/128
    Assuming your mynetworks is this:
    mynetworks =,
    To add the ipv6 loopback, you would run:
    [code type=”xml”]sudo postconf -c /Library/Server/Mail/Config/postfix/ -e “mynetworks= =, [::1]/128,″[/code]

    Then restart postfix
    [code type=”xml”]sudo postfix reload[/code]

  19. Jeff Johnson
    Jeff Johnson says:

    If you are having errors with the filter (managesieve plugin), try turning ‘DIGEST-MD5’ authentication OFF in

    Those that do have DIGEST-MD5 authentication enabled may be seeing crepeated crashes of the dovecot-auth.
    Disable it, stop/start mail service – and sieve/filters should work and the dovecot-auth crashing should stop also.


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