From the list below choose one of our FAQs topics, then select a FAQ to read. If you have a question which is not in this section, please contact us .

Why does ClamAV / freshclam complain about not being able to update its virus database?

freshclam is part of ClamAV and responsible for downloading virus database updates at regular intervals.

Sometimes the update servers are simply not reachable and thus, the update will only happen the next time.

Usually availability is restored quickly, but sometime it can take even a day or two.

It’s the nature of the internet and nothing to worry about.

Why does ClamAV / freshclam complain about missing digital signatures?

In order for ClamAV’s freshclam to verify virus database updates’ digital signatures, it requires the GMP Library (GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library).

Unfortunately, GMP does not come with OS X 10.3.x/10.4.x/10.5.x server and is not trivial to install.

This is however not to be considered a major issue and you don’t need to worry about it.

Why can MySQL not connect through socket “tmp/mysql.sock”?

Most likely because your installation of MySQL is configured to write its socket in ”



Just tell your client/web application to use ”


” and you should be fine.

How do I change the image / name on the webmail login page?

Open terminal and issue:

sudo /private/etc/squirrelmail/config/

Select ”

1. Organization Preferences

” and adjust to your liking.

Select ”


” to save and ”


” to quit and you are all set.

Further customization (except for color schemes) will require modification of SquirrelMail’s source files.

How can I tell if amavisd-new is running?

Sometimes it can happen that you have mail stuck in your mail queue stating:

status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: connect to[]: Connection refused

This usually means that for some reason your content filter (amavisd) is not running.

The easiest way to check if amavisd-new is running is to issue:

ps -U clamav 

(for Mac OS X 10.4.x)

ps -U _amavisd 

(for Mac OS X 10.5.x)

among other things, you should see something along the lines of:

  2393  ??  S      0:17.20 amavisd (ch7-avail)
2450 ?? S 0:16.82 amavisd (ch7-avail)
17823 ?? Ss 0:26.18 amavisd (master)

If you don’t see amavisd in the list, then it isn’t running and you need to further investigate the issue.